Jennifer Binley UPDATE 11/5/17 – Jennifer Binley never made it to Kenya. The ‘bad actor’ candidate decided not to run in the second election. She would have represented the Carter Foundation IF he would have re-run.
Jenifer Binley has been awarded a very competitive four month Internship with the Carter Center Peace Programs Democracy program which began in late August. She is planning to be our keynote speaker at the March Foundation Luncheon. As she is in Atlanta, the tentative back-yard debrief (at Stephanie Duncan’s lovely home) was never able to be scheduled. She is also planning to attend the November 4 regular luncheon meeting (to say thank you) in the 12:30 to 1 PM time slot.
Gaelen Stanford-Moore is taking some mini-electives in New York and then at UCLA, and will complete medical school at UCSF in May, 2018. As such, she is also applying for residency.
Larissa Phillips, leaves for London School of Economics, in late September.