COVID-10 Shutdown Rotary Meetings

During the COVID-19 Shutdown the Rotary Club of San Marino met on-line using Zoom Meetings.  See videos of the meetings below.

Zoom Meeting Videos

Closed First Item

Video Coming Soon

Brenda Cressy Biography

Brenda Cressy joined Rotary in 1989 and is currently a proud member of the Rotary Club of Paso Robles, CA. USA in District 5240 and served as District Governor in 2001-02. She is retired as the CEO of Office Support Systems, a telecommunications business.

Brenda served in several key roles for Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation over the years including serving as the first woman Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair in 2018-19 and will continue her four-year trustee term through 2021.

Most of Brenda’s assignments have focused on successful Fund Development for The Rotary Foundation, specifically in the areas of Peace and Polio Eradication her passion and mission in Rotary.

However, she shares the importance of supporting the Annual Fund, Endowments and Major Gifts. She has witnessed several successful projects made possible by Rotary Clubs and Districts and enjoys seeing the full engagement of passionate Rotarians successfully implementing projects in each of the six Areas of Focus. Most recently she is inspired by the amazing projects currently being carried out around the globe addressing community needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having participated in several Rotary humanitarian projects around the world, she is a proud Rotary Foundation Alumnus. Brenda has seen and experienced, first-hand, how our gifts to the Rotary Foundation greatly impact the lives of others and how these gifts will someday bring peace and understanding around the world.

She and her husband Dick are members of the prestigious Arch Klumph Society, Major Donors, members of the Paul Harris and the new Legacy Societies and have established the Brenda and Richard Cressey Endowment for Peace, supporting Peace Certificate Fellowships.

She is the recipient of the RI “Service Above Self Award” and The Rotary Foundation’s “Citation for Meritorious Service,” and the Rotary Foundations highest recognition, The Distinguished Service Award.

Brenda currently resides in Wells, ME., USA with her husband Richard, who is retired from a long career as a Vice President in manufacturing. They both enjoy spending good times with their three grandchildren and family.”

February 24, 2022 - Ed Ternan - Fentanyl

The Ed Ternan’s presentation begins 19 minutes into the meeting.

February 10, 2022 - Mike Driebe - Arcadia Methodist - USC Keck Hospital

January 27, 2022 - Craft Talk by E. Eugene Orlowsky D.C.

January 22, 2022 - District Governors Visit and SM Unified School District, Superintendent Presentation

January 13, 2022 - City of San Marino Mayor, Susan Jakubowski, State of the City

June 3, 2021 - 17th Annual Salute to the Service Academy Appointees

Our keynote speaker is Major Justin Padua. Major Padua is a graduate of San Marino High (2004) and of the US Military Academy (2008). Major Padua is currently in command of a Civil Affairs company on a 6-month deployment in Stuttgart, Germany. His company has teams spread out all over Eastern Europe.

He received his Masters of Public Administration at USC in 2016, and a Masters of Defense Analysis in Irregular Warfare from the Naval Postgraduate School, in Monterey, CA in 2019.

2021 Program – Annual Salute to the Service Academy Appointees

Chat Messages During the June 3, 2021 Meeting

May 27, 2021 - Wendy and Garrett Glazier on "Remembering Memorial Day"

A video of this meeting is not available.

Wendy Glazier, a San Marino resident and former Commander in the United States Navy, will be the keynote speaker at San Marino’s Rotary’s acknowledgement of Memorial Day.  Glazier served in the Navy from 1986-2006, as an intelligence officer in different capacities throughout her tenure. She also spent time as an International Relations liaison between the United States and the navies and intelligence organizations of other nations. During Operation Desert Storm, Glazier was quartered in Washington, DC, as an analyst, tasking satellites, aircraft and ships. She later taught intelligence for the United States Navy at Point Loma.

Also speaking will be Marino Corps 2nd Lt. Garret Glazier, a 2013 graduate of San Marino High School, and the son on Wendy and Guy Glazier (also a former Marine).  He began with the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines at Camp Pendleton, served as an infantry officer, and most recently, served in Iraq. He completed his active duty in December 2020, and is now pursuing law school.

May 20, 2021 - Craft Talks from two Rotarians. Jack Lau and President Elect, JP Mainguy

The Craft Talks begin 41 minutes into the video
A special presentation by County Assessor, Jeffrey Prang begins 17 minutes into the video.

Jack Lau is married to his wife, Jenny and they have 1 daughter who is 16months old.  Jack is VP and Senior Branch Manager of HSBC Bank.  He has been a member of Rotary since September of 2020.

Jean-Pierre Mainguy is President-Elect. “I came to the US from France in 1998, taking a job with Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto. My wife Barbara Hoskins is an education consultant with a practice in Pasadena. I have three adult children: Pierre, Marie, and Emmanuelle. I also have seven grandchildren. As they all live in France and travel was not possible during the Covid-19, Barbara and I miss them a lot. I can’t wait for the day when we’ll be able to go and hug them again.

I was born in Paris in a family originating from Brittany, this Celtic province on the Atlantic, its rocky cape pointing straight at America. The people from Brittany are often sailors, and it turned out that members of the Mainguy family were on board the French fleet in September 1782 at the battle of the Chesapeake and died in action in that battle. This family story always made me feel that my destiny was somehow related to America. But I took my time to get there…

I spent my childhood in Africa, in Senegal, near Dakar, the capital. The country was still under the colonial administration, part of French West Africa. My father was a veterinarian who created a research lab specializing in tropical ecology. We lived in a little whitewashed house in a beautiful forested compound. Back in Paris as a 12 years old kid, it was a difficult transition. I swore that as a grown-up, I would live in a place with sun, sea, and open nature nearby. In the meantime, I became slowly used to Parisian life. As Albert Einstein said: “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you need to keep moving”.

I decided to follow a path in mathematics, as it offers tools that are applicable in many fields. After my Ph. D. in Paris, I accepted a job with Hewlett-Packard in Germany. I settled in the old university town of Tuebingen near Stuttgart in Baden-Wuerttemberg. I learned German and so did my three kids, and we all enjoyed life in Germany. I started going on regular business trips to the US for HP, mostly to Palo Alto, California. I was meant to reach America finally! My professional career was in high technology with Hewlett-Packard. I worked for them in Germany, France, Switzerland, and the US. More recently I worked at the Biotech company Amgen in Thousand Oaks. In addition, I used to be an adjunct professor at the University of Redlands Business School.

I retired last year and the time has come for me to give back and help others. I have redefined my notion of success in life to follow the advice given by Mohammed Ali: “Service to others is the rent you pay for the room you have on earth”. How can we do this better than with our Rotary friends? I’m looking forward to leading our San Marino Rotary Club in the next Rotary year.”

June 17, 2021 - Sean Diaz and Daisy Wilson - Update on the San Marino Little League.

The presentation begins 21 minutes into the meeting.

Chat Messages During the June 17, 2021, Meeting

April 29, 2021 - Jeff Long, "Helping Teens with Eating Disorders".

The presentation begins 20 minutes into the meeting.


“Jeff is a recognized leader in all above-the-line aspects of Video Production, Directing, Producing, Executive Producing with 20+ years’ experience creating commercials, television, documentaries, corporate videos, and more. After a challenging personal journey, Jeff and his wife Kathy authored the book, A Parent’s Guide to Anorexia. Most recently they founded the non-profit, to help teens who suffer from mental health issues find hope, help, and inspiration for recovery.”

Chat Messages During the April 29, 2021 Meeting

April 22, 2021 - Annual Art Contest hosted by Grace Yang.
The program begins 24 minutes into the video.

Chat Messages During the April 22, 2021 Meeting

April 15, 2021 - Annual Business Plan Competition hosted by Isaac Hung
The business plan presentations begin 16 minutes into the meeting.

Chat Messages During the April 15, 2021 Meeting

June 10, 2021 - Craft Talks - Members Tony Galaviz and Daryl Topalian share their life experiences this week.

The presentations begin 25 minutes into the video.

Chat Messages During the June 10 2021 Meeting

March 25, 2021 - Mark Langill, Los Angeles Dodger Team Historian

Mark’s presentation begins at 24 minutes into the meeting.

“Mark Langill is the Team Historian of the Los Angeles Dodgers. A member of the front office since 1994, Langill previously covered the ballclub for the Pasadena Star-News for five seasons. The South Pasadena resident and Cal State Northridge graduate has written six books about the franchise. He has also appeared on such documentaries as ESPN’s 30-for-30 “Fernando Nation” and PBS SoCal’s “Dodger Stories: 60 Years in Los Angeles.”

Chat Messages During the March 25, 2021 Meeting

March 18, 2021 - Annual Dan Stover Music Competition

The Music Contest begins 14 minutes into the video.

Chat Messages During the March 18, 2021 Meeting

April 8, 2021 - Craft Talks will be from members Mary Ulin and Devon Corlew

The craft talks begin at 22 minutes into the meeting.

Mary Ulin
As a resident of San Marino for over twenty years, I have been involved in our community, serving as San Marino Schools Foundation president and Partnership for Awareness president. I also worked with the City managing a federal grant, Safe Routes to School, that encouraged students to walk or ride their bikes or walk to school. Currently I serve on the Crowell Public Library Foundation Board, The Planned Parenthood Advocates board, and I am San Gabriel Valley Literacy Council president-elect. San Marino has been a lovely place for my husband, John, and I to raise four kids-Curtis, Christine, Tori, and Ali. Until my knees wore out I was an avid tennis player, but now you might see me walking in my neighborhood with three big dogs. I love to cook, read, travel, hike, and spend time with my family. Currently, I’m taking Elementary Chinese online at PCC. I have been teaching ESL for seven years, this past year that has been on line. My business is English with Mary 91108.

Devon Corlew
I grew up in the Bay Area but have lived in Southern California since college. I attended Biola University where I received my Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration Management. I later received my Masters of Science degree in Business Administration from California State University, Bakersfield. I’ve worked for the YMCA for over 15 years and have held various positions at various locations. Prior to supporting the San Gabriel Valley in my current role, my most recent position was Executive Director of the Culver-Palms Family YMCA in Culver City for 6 years. I have been the Executive Director of the South Pasadena San Marino and Pasadena-Sierra Madre YMCAs since June 2020 and am really enjoying getting to know and support these great communities. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful 10-year old daughter. When I’m not busy working I enjoy spending time with my families and doing activities outdoors.

May 13, 2021 - Our Community Grants Committee Made Their Annual Presentation.

The presentation begins 30 minutes into the meeting.

Chat Messages During the May 13, 2021 Meeting

February 25, 2021 - Annick Foucrier - "History of the French in California from the 18th - 20th centuries".

The program starts 19  minutes into the video.

“Since the arrival of Pierre Prat in California in 1769 and since Jean-François de Lapérouse set anchor at Monterey in 1786 with the scientific expedition he led across the Pacific Ocean, French men and women have lived in California, and have actively contributed to its history.  Author of a book on the history of these French migrants, Annick Foucrier will talk about its main features, that she will also link to the history of Franco-American relations.

Annick Foucrier is Professor emerita and former director of the Center for Research in North American History at University Panthéon-Sorbonne.

She has published numerous books and articles about the French in California, the French and French speaking migrants in the United States, the North American West, the Pacific World, the history of California, and international migrations, commencing with her doctoral dissertation at the EHESS in 1991 on France, the French and California before the Gold Rush, 1786-1848, (La France, les Français et la Californie avant la ruée vers l’or, 1786-1848).

Dr. Foucrier has written, among other books, Le rêve californien. Migrants français sur la côte Pacifique, XVIIIe-XXe siècles, Belin, 1999; Les gangsters et la société américaine (1920-1960), Paris, ellipses, 2001; À travers l’Ouest nord-américain : L’expédition d’exploration dirigée par Meriwether Lewis et William Clark, 1803-1806, Besançon, Éditions La Lanterne Magique, 2018; and with Corentin Sellin and Nicolas Vaicbourdt, Les États-Unis et le monde de la doctrine de Monroe à la création de l’ONU (1823-1945), Atlande, 2018.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

March 11, 2021 - Dianne Falconer presents "Climate Change - Why Should You Care?"

Dianne’s presentation begins 29 minutes into the meeting.

“Scientists at Woodwell Climate Research Center have been working tirelessly to help the world understand and implement solutions to Climate Change.  Many agree that Climate Change is one of the most important and urgent challenges of our lives.  It  threatens the existence of humans, animals, and plants- on land and in the sea.  It is happening now, and only we can stop it from ruining our planet, the Future.

Our speaker joined the board at Woodwell Climate because she was so impressed with the difference being made by this small group of world-class scientists.

In addition to doing cutting-edge research on natural disasters, forests, soil, salt marshes, melting ice and permafrost, changing wind patterns, etc. domestically; Woodwell scientists do much of their work in remote regions, like the Arctic and the Amazon.  These remote regions where Climate Change and its effects are happening most rapidly provide important learning lessons for the rest of the planet. 

One thing that distinguishes Woodwell is how effectively they implement their scientific findings for Impact.  They provide advanced tracking/mapping to measure carbon and the success of solutions. Their Risk Analysis provides critical insights for individuals, businesses and governments..  They prescribe super-effective, all-natural solutions to reduce and reverse Climate Change. Woodwell Climate has been extremely influential in affecting Policy at all levels of government, domestically and internationally. 

Their newsletter below includes specific examples of our impact.  Woodwell is a non-profit.  

She holds degrees from UC Berkeley, a B.A. in Economics; Australia’s University of Adelaide, a Masters’ in Planning; and Columbia Business School, a M.B.A. in Marketing and Finance.

Our speaker is a former Ambassadorial Scholar to the University of Adelaide, in Adelaide, Australia in 1983-84…our Club’s second international scholar.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

February 18, 2021 - Annual Chili Cook-off

Stephanie Johnson and her Chili Cook-off committee for organized this program.  Mitch Lehman, Editor of the San Marino Tribune led the discussion of the entries.

Chat Messages During the Meeting

March 4, 2021 - Dean Billman on "Surviving and Eradicating Polio"

Bean Billman’s presentation begins 21 minutes into the meeting.

Dean Billman joined Pasadena Rotary in 2004, and has been active in many service and fellowship committees, and has served on the club board and also as board secretary. He has co-chaired the TYROS (newcomers) club and many done-in-a-day service events. He wrote the weekly club meeting newsletter commentary for many years. 

Dean has always lived with Polio. His dad was a polio survivor, and even though he was over 6 feet tall, he still walked with a limp and the aid of a leg brace his entire life. He was diagnosed while serving in the Navy in WW II, and was honorably discharged as a disabled veteran. In his later years, Neil Billman was always trying to upgrade his brace to a more comfortable one, and claimed to finally find the right one when he was 92 years old. To Neil, it was something he had to overcome and was proud to be a polio survivor. He never knew where he got infected with the virus. 

Dean’s father-in-law is also a polio survivor, but with a different history. His family couldn’t cope with the demands of a child who could not walk, and so after many hip surgeries, had to live in a sanitarium to heal. He’s a great golfer, but still walks with a limp and shuns the Handicap placard because of the stigma of being handicapped. 

Finally, the minister who married Dean and Karen also is a polio survivor, and the dads and Fr. Conrad really bonded at the wedding.”

February 11, 2021 - President and CEO of Huntington Memorial Hospital, Dr Lori Morgan

Dr. Morgan’s presentation begins 17  minutes into the meeting.

President and CEO of Huntington Memorial Hospital, Dr Lori Morgan presents “A Conversation with Dr. Lori Morgan, President and CEO of Huntington Memorial Hospital About Current Issues Impacting the Hospital and its Patient Base”.

Lori Morgan, MD, MBA, was named president and chief executive officer of the Huntington Hospital, commencing her service in September, 2017.

Dr. Morgan brings nearly 30 years of healthcare and healthcare administration experience with a focus on developing programs that support patient care, strengthening physician relationships and enhancing financial performance.

She most recently served eight years as corporate vice president of Legacy Health, Portland’s largest local health system, and as president of Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, the system’s largest hospital.

Dr. Morgan received her medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine, then completed her surgical residency at Stanford University Medical Center, and her trauma/critical care fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. She is a board-certified trauma surgeon and intensivist.

She received her MBA from Pacific Lutheran University where she concentrated on technology and innovation management.

Dr. Morgan is married to Henry Outzen, PhD, a retired cancer research scientist. Together they have one son, Morgan Outzen, age 23, who lives and works in Portland, Oregon, as a certified financial analyst.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting


January 14, 2021 - San Marino City Mayor, Ken Ude - Annual State of the City

Mayor Ude’s presentation begins 26 minutes into the meeting

Ken Ude was elected to the City Council in 2017, and was voted by members of the City Council to be mayor last December.

Cathy and Ken Ude moved to San Marino in 1986 so that their three daughters – Carolyn, Kristen and Allison – could attend San Marino schools. The Udes were active in youth sports programs and activities including AYSO, San Marino National Little League and the San Marino Schools Foundation.

In 1999, Ude served as chairman of the Schools Foundation’s Annual Campaign and invented the now-famous yard sign program. He also served as President of the Foundation of San Marino Community Church, where he led a record-setting annual campaign drive.

Ude earned his MBA and a Masters’ in Public Relations from the University of Southern California, and recently ran the USC Marshall Family Business Program. Ude currently is a family business/family office consultant.

Ude’s business career began with Rain Bird Sprinkler Manufacturing Corp. in the 1970s. He then had the opportunity to run six different private equity-backed mid-sized companies. “Most of the companies I ran were turn-around situations where we had to look hard at building culture, driving revenue, managing expenses and improving our operating efficiencies” he said. Disciplines that he is bringing to the City.

Chat Messages During the Meeting of January 14, 2021


January 28, 2021 - 4-Way Test Speech Contest

No video is available for this meeting.

February 4, 2021 - Craft Talk. New Member Dr. Michael Lin

Craft Talks.  New Member Dr. Michael Lin was our Craft Talk speaker.  Dr. Lin’s presentation begins 12 minutes into the video.

Chat Messages During the Meeting

January 7, 2021 - Stephen Ford - "The Life and Times of San Marino's Most Famous General"

The presentation by Stephen Ford begins 19   minlutes into the video.

For more on Stephen Ford, please see his bio below:

“Stephen Ford grew up in a middle-sized town in Nebraska called Grand Island, so named by the French Traders who thought the sandbar in the middle of the Platte River would make a good spot for a town.  In high school, Steve participated in sports, speech and debate and was active in his church youth group while working a part-time job to help pay for college.  Steve met his high school sweetheart Ginny back then and the two got married after attending the University of Nebraska in 1987.

Steve began teaching at San Marino High School in 1990 in the special education department, eventually transitioning to social studies where he has been teaching US and World History ever since.  While at San Marino High School, Steve has served in several capacities including a stint in coaching where he assisted popular coaches such as Bill Maloney and Kevin Hall.   Steve has also served as a negotiator for the San Marino Teachers Association, worked on the school safety committee and served on several hiring panels for school administrators.  Steve was awarded Most Inspirational Teacher in 2007, San Marino School District’s Teacher of the Year in 2017-18, as well as the San Marino Masonic Lodge Teacher of the Year for 2018.

In 2010, Steve suffered a massive heart attack which nearly proved fatal.  Steve believes that God must have had other plans for him since he’s still with us.  He is currently working on a masters degree in political science with emphasis in national security.   He has retired from teaching and hopes to launch a new career which would incorporate his love of history with current events, politics and faith.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

January 21, 2021 - Anne Miskey, CEO of Union Station Homeless Services - "Union Station Homeless Services in COVID 19 Times"

Anne Miskey’s presentation begins 30 minutes into the video.


Anne Miskey serves as Chief Executive Officer of Union Station Homeless Services. She brings extensive knowledge of the issues involved in addressing homelessness, along with the exceptional leadership ability and management skills to guide the organization in the coming years. She has a unique perspective on the role non-profits, governments, and communities can together play in tackling major social problems. But just as important Anne has a deep passion for the organization’s mission: helping people end their homelessness and rebuild their lives.

Prior to this, Anne was the former CEO of the Downtown Women’s Center (DWC) and first ever Executive Director of Funders Together to End Homelessness. Anne is a nationally recognized expert on strategic, innovative, and effective solutions to ending homelessness. She is a passionate proponent of the most vulnerable in society and of creating long term, positive change and strong systems that support those experiencing poverty, violence, racism and homelessness”

Chat Messages During the Meeting of January 21, 2021


December 10, 2020 - Justin Talt - "How to Survive in the Entertainment Business During the Pandemic".

Justin Talt’s talk begins 22  minutes into the meeting.

“This program follows four others in a series utilizing the theme Amazing Titans, the others being: Dan Floyd talking about his ace Arizona softball pitcher Michelle; Bill Ukropina, about his Stanford field-goal kicking son, Conrad; Andrea Pott, a DA who prosecuted the five northeast Los Angeles gangs; and Ollie Campbell, Army Ranger who was miraculously saved after being hit four times during a raid for a high value target in Afghanistan.

Juddy Talt is a filmmaker, directing commercials and writing movies for studios.  He will speak to the process of storytelling, writing and filmmaking.  And, he will tell stories about what he has learned from the making of films and collaborating on scripts with Netflix, Sony and MRC Studios.

His premise is about the ups and downs in entertainment and screenwriting.  And, how when writing scripts for studios, 99% of failure is triumph.

Talt is a SMHS grad, the son of Suzie and Brad.  Brad is the brother of our own Steve, and Mark.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

November 5, 2020 - 2021 Tournament of Roses President, Dr Robert Miller

“The 2021 Rose Parade: Cancellation Considerations Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.” .  For more about Dr Miller and his program, please see below:

Dr. Miller’s presentation begins 33 minutes into the video

“The presentation shared how and why we made the decision and  the challenges and opportunities associated with the cancellation.”

It has been quite a process and journey over the past 9 months as we assessed the impact of the pandemic on the 2021 parade and Association, made the decision to cancel the event based on public health and safety priorities, and now planning and implementing events and activities for the balance of the year.

This planning includes the creation and implementation of meaningful events that maintain and increase our presence and profile in the community in the absence of our traditional parade and surrounding engagements. Millions of dollars are in play, significant contractual relationships have been assessed and modified, insurance issues researched and in the process of resolution, and multiple budget scenarios modeled and finalized.  In addition, we continue to be engaged in tending to the needs of over 6,000 participants, their families and support organizations, partners and sponsors, and city, county and state agencies and offices. Many relationships needed be “unwound” and new ones created as we look forward to the 2022 parade. In short, I’ll have plenty to share and would be happy to respond to questions as well.

And for the those interested in the Royal Court, I’ll also share why after a very deliberative process, we opted not to have a 2021 Rose Court and the community engagement project we have implemented in the Court’s stead.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

November 19, 2020 - Erica Hahn - "Why the Mayflower Matters"

Erica’s presentation begins 39  minutes into the video.

“While Erica Hahn is quite enthusiastic about her lineage now, her genealogical journey got off to a slow start. Hahn is the governor of the Orange County Mayflower Colony, which was founded in 1974 as part of the 108-year-old California Society of Mayflower Descendants. The local group has 300 members, though only a few dozen are active participants.

“I think I was about 12 at the time and living in Cincinnati, Ohio, and used to go to my grandmother’s and had been assigned to read ‘The Courtship of Miles Standish,’” she said, referring to the narrative poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. “And I am finding this so ridiculous that I said I don’t believe that these people even existed. And grandma looked down her aquiline nose at me and said, ‘Not only was Miles Standish real, he was your direct ancestor.’”

For many years, Hahn, who lives in Monrovia but joined the society while a resident of Huntington Beach, still wasn’t inspired to pursue her heritage. But, as so often happens, the older people get, the more they want to know where they came from.

Erica is a Monrovia Rotarian.

Chat Messages During the Meeting

December 3, 2020 - SMHS Football Coach Justin Mesa - "Prospects for the Upcoming Season"

Titan Football Coach Justin Mesa – “Prospects for the Upcoming Season”

Coach Mesa presentation begins 31  minutes into the video.

“Justin Mesa Justin Mesa was hired as San Marino’s new Head Football Coach in May 2019. In his first year, his team went 4-6, winning the last three game in a row, the last a shutout over the Temple City Rams.  As second place finishers in the Rio Hondo League, the Titans went into the playoffs but lost in the first round.

He spent the past two years as the Director of Recruiting at the University of Wyoming. Mesa was a member of a 2017 Wyoming football staff that guided the Cowboys to their second consecutive winning season and second consecutive bowl berth in 2017.

Before his time at Wyoming, Mesa spent one year at Dixie State University where he coached the wide receivers in 2016.  Mesa also coordinated the field goal and point-after touchdown units on special teams for the Trailblazers. He recruited central and northern California, as well as the state of Utah while at Dixie State.

Prior to his recent coaching position at Dixie State, Mesa served as the offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at Loyola High School in Los Angeles, Calif., for three seasons from 2013-15.

Mesa spent six seasons serving in a variety of administrative and coaching roles at the University of Southern California, from 2007-12. He originally was involved as a recruiting and operations assistant at USC in 2007. In 2008, Mesa assisted in coaching the Trojan wide receivers. The 2009 season saw Mesa being hired as a graduate assistant coach. He was elevated to an assistant quarterback coaching position in 2010. For two seasons from 2011-12, Mesa coached the USC tight ends. While at USC, Mesa was part of the Trojans’ Rose Bowl Championship teams at the conclusion of the 2007 and 2008 seasons. He was also on the coaching staff when USC won the 2009 Emerald Bowl and earned a berth in the 2012 Sun Bowl.

Mesa completed his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from USC in 2007. He is currently working on his master’s degree in communication, also through USC. He is married to Angelina. They enjoy three children together: Haylie (15), Julian (6), Lucca (3).”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

October 29, 2020 - Dr. Bethany Montagano from the Pacific Asia Museum

Dr. Montago’s talk begins 30 minutes into the video.

Dr. Bethany Montagano from the Pacific Asia Museum spoke on “Deconstructing Orientalism and Creating an Inclusive Pacific Asia Museum” .

A visionary and creative museum directory, Dr. Bethany Montagano assumed leadership of USC Pacific Asia Museum in spring 2019. Since her appointment Dr. Montagano has led an institution wide initiative, Stronger than Hate, a collective of USC staff, faculty, schools and students whose mission is to create robust, inclusive, cultural and academic programs. She has refocused USC PAM’s mission and vision to move towards deconstructing Orientalism and creating an inclusive museum in response to the current political climate. 

Previously, she served as senior curator at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. For three years, she originated major art, photography and fashion exhibitions that aimed to create a more just society. She curated Pop for the People: Roy Lichtenstein in L.A., Black is Beautiful: The Photography of Kwame Brathwaite and most recently Fearless Fashion: Rudi Gernreich, where she worked with Humberto Leon of Opening Ceremony and Kenzo to bring this values driven fashion exhibition to life. 

Dr. Montagano earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Asian Studies, and studied at Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka Japan. She has a master’s degree in Museum Studies and earned her doctorate in American History with an emphasis on gender, race and cultural representation from the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Montagano played a formidable role in the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture and on exhibitions and publications at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian that illuminate issues of displacement, representation and stereotyping.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

November 12, 2020 - Regional President of the USO, Bob Kurkjian, "The USO Today."

Bob’s presentation begins   minutes into the video.

“Bob Kurkjian is the Regional President of USO West and responsible for USO operations and fund development in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, Utah and Montana. Joining the USO family in 2012 as President of Bob Hope USO in Southern California, Bob led a meteoric rise in programming and fund development in the eight counties served by Bob Hope USO. He championed the effort to fundraise, design and build four new centers, including a $10M relocation and expansion of the flagship USO center at LAX. The expanded services both on-base, in airports and in the community more than tripled the number of service interactions, as well as increasing donations by nearly ten-fold. In the past, Bob has worked for the Mayor of Los Angeles, the PricewaterhouseCoopers Non-Profit practice, CRDF Global, Conservation International and the National Governors Association.

A Navy Reserve officer, Bob was mobilized for most of 2019 serving as the commander of Defense Logistics Agency Afghanistan where he led a team of both military and civilians who managed strategic logistics for U.S. and coalition troops. Three previous deployments have included tours in Iraq, Bahrain and afloat, aboard the flagship of the international counter-piracy task force. He is currently the commanding officer of a Pacific Fleet reserve logistics unit and qualified as both a Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist and Navy Expeditionary Supply Corps Officer.

Bob is a two-time graduate of the University of Southern California, and graduated, with distinction, from the master’s program at the United States Naval War College, where he focused on East Asia. In addition, he spent a summer at Sichuan Union University in Chengdu, China, where he studied Chinese history and language. Bob recently completed a four-year term as a board member for Goodwill Orange County, one of the largest Goodwill operations in the world, and has previously served on the board of Academy of Hope, an adult education and charter school organization in Washington, DC. He is a current member of the Board of Counselors for USC’s Marshall School of Business Masters in Business for Veterans program and an emeritus member of the USC Alumni Association Board of Governors. A licensed CPA in the state of Virginia and an avid traveler, Bob has spent at least one night in 68 countries and counting.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

October 22, 2020 - Margaret Bell from the Norton Simon Museum

The video only shows the presentation by our speaker, Margaret Bell

Our guest speaker was Margaret Bell from the Norton Simon Museum on “Insight into the function of art in physical, mental and spiritual care with examples from different areas of the museum collection” .  

“Maggie Bell has been an Assistant Curator at the Norton Simon Museum since July 2019. Her current exhibition, The Expressive Body: Memory, Devotion, Desire (1400-1750), tentatively opening in April of 2021, examines how images in the early modern period produced strong physical reactions in viewers. She received her PhD in 2019 in the History of Art and Architecture from UC Santa Barbara, with a dissertation that focused on art in 15th century Italian hospitals.  Maggie loves pasta, art and traveling, and can’t wait to get on the road again!”

Chat Messages During The Meeting

September 24, 2020 - Michael T. Roberts on "Role of Food Law in everyday consumer products: Olive Oil and Honey. How do we know what's in our plates?"

Dr. Roberts begins 33 minutes into the video.

“Michael T. Roberts is the founding Executive Director of the Resnick Center for Food Law and Policy at UCLA School of Law. He is well versed in a broad range of legal and policy issues from farm to fork in local, national, and global food supply systems. He is actively involved in the development of food law and policy.

Michael has lectured on food-law subjects at law schools and conferences in a number of countries in Europe and Asia. He teaches two courses at UCLA Law: Introduction to Food Law and Policy (for second and third year law students) and Historical Perspective: The Role of Law in the Pursuit of a Moral Food System.

Michael is particularly interested in the global governance of food and recently led the Resnick Center into a partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) based in Rome, Italy on a series of research and advisory initiatives to confront global food security, nutrition, safety, and quality.”

Chat During the Zoom Meeting

October 8, 2020 - D5300 Governor Greg Jones - Governor's Official Visit

Greg’s presentation begins 49 minutes into the video

“Greg grew up in Southern Illinois and met his wife, Brenda, in high school. Both graduated from the University of Illinois with Greg earning a BS in accountancy and Brenda a BS in elementary education. They moved to Southern California in 1985 and to Pasadena in 1991.

Greg was a partner in a national accounting firm for 29 years. Along the way he earned an MS in taxation and an MS in financial planning. In 2010 he started his own CPA and Wealth Management practices in Pasadena.  Greg is a CPA, CFP, CLU (Certified Life Underwriter), PFS (Personal Financial Specialist) and ChFC (Charter Financial Consultant). Brenda is a librarian at Glendale Community College where she just finished her 26th year; she has an MS in library science and an MA in theology.

Greg has been very involved in the Pasadena community.  He has a total of 22 years of service on City of Pasadena commissions. During that time he was a member of the Recreation and Parks Commission, the Hahamongna Operating Company, the Library Commission, the Rose Bowl Operating Company, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Zoning Appeals. He helped found the Hastings Associates, a support group for the Hastings Branch Library in Pasadena. He has been a board member of Hastings Associates, the Friends of Pasadena Public Library, the Pasadena Recreation and Parks Foundation, and Pasadena Beautiful. In addition, Greg has served on many task forces and committees in the Pasadena community. Greg became a member of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses in 1998 and has served on many of its committees, including five years as a committee vice-chair.

Greg joined the Rotary Club of Pasadena Sunrise in 1997. He has served as club president twice and has held almost all club officer positions over the past 20 years. The club changed to evening meetings several years ago and is now the Rotary Club of Pasadena After Hours.  Greg began his District 5300 service on the PRLS committee in 2005 and was chair of that committee in 2006-07. He served as an assistant governor for two years.  He was the District Foundation Committee chair for 4 years and has served on several District Foundation subcommittees. He has been awarded the District Foundation Service award two times. He participated in the Corazon Superbuild project, traveled to India twice to participate in NIDs, to Mexico as part of a Wheelchair Foundation wheelchair distribution and to Liberia and Peru on Rotaplast missions. Greg is currently serving in his third year as district treasurer.

Greg is dedicated to the ideal of Service Above Self. He sees service as a means to make connections to others in our communities and around the world. He views the eradication of polio as an important milestone in the history of humanity and the advancement of world understanding as an important mission for Rotarians.”

Chat Messages During the October 8, 2020 Meeting

September 10, 2020 - Michael Campbell on "Treating Area Patients with the Corona Virus"

Michael’s presentation begins 31 minutes into the video.

“Michael Scott Campbell works closely with  Infectious Disease Specialits and Internal Medicine Physicians on a daily basis, to make certain patients are receiving the best possible care.  As the director of Pharmacy at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, he is responsible for all drug procurement at the medical center including being the only one able to obtain the new drug used to treat servere cases of Covid-19, Remdesivir.

Campbell is origninally from West Virginia, and has his Bachelors Degree in Biology (with a minor in Chemistry) from the University of Charleston.  Her received his Pharmacy Doctorate from Loma Linda University, and later, his MBA from Loma Linda in Healthcare Administration.

He is an associate professor at Loma Linda University, Western University and Keck Graduate Institue, newly elected president of the Inland Society of Health System Pharmacists, and the incoming treasurer for the South Pasadena Team Referral Network.

Campbell is married to our own Claudia Attallah, and they work together on their own healthcare consulting business. They have been married for 10 years and have two daughters, Lucia 8 and Liviana 4.”

Chats During the Meeting of September 10 2020

October 1, 2020 - Craft Talks with members Michael Killackey and Evi Darmali

Michael Killackey’s presentation begins at  30  minutes into the video.  Evi Darmail’s begins at 57 minutes.

“Michael Killackey: Mike is a dedicated husband and father of two boys who attend San Marino Schools. In addition to maintaining his own law firm in Alhambra, Killackey Law Offices, APC, Mike is deeply involved in volunteer activities supporting San Marino Schools. Mike is serving his 4th year as a San Marino Schools Foundation Trustee, and is currently running for Governing Board Member of San Marino Unified School District on the November Ballot.

Evi Darmali: Evi has been living in San Marino for over 20 years, originally from Indonesia, she is married to Francis Darmali and has one daughter. She joined San Marino Rotary club in March 2019.”

Chat Messages during the meeting.

October 15, 2020 - President of Cal State Los Angeles, Dr William Covino on "State of CSULA and update on CSULA Roteract Club" .

Dr. Covino’s presentation begins at 29 minutes into the meeting.

“Dr William A. Covino is the seventh president of California State University, Los Angeles, leading the institution as it realizes its dedication to engagement, service, and the public good. President Covino holds a Ph.D. in English and has published important scholarship on the power and uses of rhetoric, persuasion, and imagination. He is also a nationally celebrated proponent of civic learning.

Since becoming president in September 2013, President Covino has emphasized the importance of a curriculum that prepares students to transform the future and improve the quality of life in Los Angeles and beyond. To achieve this goal, he is leading efforts to closely connect civic learning and community service

Dr Covino spoke on the state of CSULA and how the college and students are faring in the COVID-19 environment. He will also speak about the future for the CSULA Roteract.”

Chat Messages During the Meeting

September 17, 2020 - Shelley Miles on "e-Games in Education: A New Approach to Financial Education"

Shelley’s talk begins at 31 minutes into the video.

“Shelley has spent over 30 years leading the growth and development of entertainment and technology businesses including at the Walt Disney Company, where she started the Interactive Games business and managed the Recorded Music and Music Publishing businesses. Shelley was one of the founders of the Pasadena Ronald McDonald House, and has served on the boards of nonprofits including the National Children’s Chorus and Ronald McDonald House Southern California. Shelley is a USC alumna and California CPA. She currently serves as Executive Director/CEO of the Singleton Foundation for Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship.”

August 27, 2020 - Mitch Lehman, “Stories From Quarantine.” .

Mitch’s presentation begins 40 minutes into the meeting.

“Now in his 24th year at The Tribune, Mitch Lehman is Editor and Sports Editor in addition to being the public address announcer for ten sports programs at San Marino High School. 

Mitch is one of only a handful in the community to receive the ‘Very Special Person Award’ from the San Marino PTA at the annual Founder’s Day ceremony, was acknowledged as a ‘Terrific Titan’ by the San Marino High School PTSA, was named an Honorary Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Club of San Marino and received a National Honorary Merit Badge in Journalism from the Boy Scouts of America. 

He has received two independent Pulitzer Prize nominations and in the past three years, Mitch has won seven awards and is a thirteen-time finalist in the California News Publishers Association’s Better Newspapers Contest.”

September 3, 2020 - Evans Lam on "The Future of Hong Kong's Economy"

Evans Lam on “The Future of Hong Kong’s Economy”.  Evans’ talk begins at 2 minutes into the video.

“Evans Lam is senior vice president of investments and senior portfolio manager of The Lam Group, UBS Financial Services, Inc. in Pasadena, Calif. Previously, he was a senior vice president and wealth management advisor at Smith Barney. Evans began his wealth advisory and portfolio management career in 1991, and over the past two decades, has successfully helped clients manage their wealth throughout several challenging market cycles.  Evans isa  renowned expert who has advised the State Council of China on monetary reform.

Topic Description:  Evans Lam will discuss Hong Kong’
– Economic Structure Pre-1997
– Chinese Economic Policies on Hong Kong After the Return to China
– Current Challenges’- Solutions offered by china
– Effectiveness of the Chinese Stimulus
– Future of Hong Kong and Most Recent Updates”

August 20, 2020 - Robert Zellem on "Searching for Exoplanets"

Robert’s talk begins

Chat messages during the meeting

“Robert Zellem, scientist at JPL will showed in pictures how some of these alien worlds were discovered and how citizen science projects using amateur equipment can also contribute to this effort.

It is only recently that science has discovered several thousand planets outside of our solar system. It is now possible to observe directly these planets and even determine the content of their atmosphere. Robert Zellem, scientist at JPL will show in pictures how some of these alien worlds were discovered. Future space missions will attempt to find if some of them could harbor life. Robert will also show that citizen science projects using amateur equipment can also contribute to this effort.

Rob is a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory working on ground- and space-based observations of the atmospheres of exoplanets, planets outside of our Solar System. Specifically, Rob has been commissioning NESSI, a new multi-object spectrograph at Palomar Observatory that will study tens of these alien worlds, has been involved in benchmarking the performance through simulations of NASA and ESA exoplanet-dedicated missions, and leading citizen science projects to help aid in the characterization of exoplanets.”

August 13, 2020 - Craft Talks by Bulga Enkh-erdene and Judith Luu

The Craft Talks begin 36 minutes into the video.

Bulgantamir Enkh-erdene
Chairman of the Seruun Group, specializing in heating ventilation, air conditioning and commercial refrigeration. Bulgantamir’s team has contributed to the development of the country, bringing expertise in special projects such as airports, underground mines, hospitals and data centers. He also has work experience at the Ministry of Finance handling official development assistance. Bulgantamir was educated in the US and China and completed 2 Master’s degrees. He is also a board member of the Mongolian Refrigeration Association and recently founded the indoor air quality association of Mongolia.

Judith Luu
Judith is currently an Account Executive at New Century Insurance Services, Inc, contributing over 9 years of insurance and risk management experience to the company. Judith is passionate about supporting small business owners, providing valuable expertise and creative solutions to help minimize their risk. After originally starting out in the small business sector, she had the opportunity to be a part of a global risk management team for national-sized accounts in client services and account management. She is an active member of the San Gabriel Chamber of Commerce and recently became an Ambassador, connecting business owners in her community to one another so they can all better thrive together. She spends her free time with her church members along with her husband and her two boys, aged 2 and 8. When she has a moment to herself, she goes to the golf course, where she is steadily learning the game.

August 6, 2020 - Dr. Gay Yuen, Chinese-American Museum

Dr. Gay Yuen, Chinese-American Museum on “Preserving the Roots of Chinese Americans in Los Angeles” .

“Topic Description:  The Chinese American Museum (CAM) is the first museum in Southern California dedicated to the Chinese American experience and history in this region.  Symbolically housed in the oldest and last surviving structure of Los Angeles’ original Chinatown, the 7,200 square foot Chinese American Museum (CAM) embodies a cultural and physical link to the past, as well as a promising point of entry for the city’s multicultural future. Opened on December 18, 2003 after 20 years of dedicated community and civic leadership and support, CAM’s presence at El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument—a 44-acre public park honored as Los Angeles’ “birthplace” and the site of its original Chinatown—reflects the vibrant development of an immigrant history that began over 150 years ago when the first major Chinese settlement was documented in Los Angeles. CAM is dedicated to researching, preserving, and sharing the experiences and contributions of Chinese Americans in the United States through quality exhibitions, programs, events, publications, and workshops. In addition to its role in the community as an active-learning institution, CAM is also proud to serve as a visual symbol of new and emerging traditions.

Speaker Bio: Dr Gay Yuen is a retired Professor from CSULA.  She is served as the Chair of the Division of Curriculum and Instruction where she oversaw the teacher credentialing programs for elementary and secondary education, as well as more than 15 graduate education programs.  She is the current President of the Board of the Friends of the Chinese American Museum of Los Angeles, and serves on the Advisory boards of the Asian Youth Center, the Los Angeles Chapter of the International Leadership Foundation, the President’s Asian Pacific Advisory Council of Pasadena Community College, and other community and education non-profit organizations.”

July 30, 2020 - Amanda Zellmer, Asst. Professor of Biology, Occidental College

The presentation begins at 22 minutes into the meeting.

Introducer Biography:
John Howell: This month John is celebrating his tenth year as the Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy’s first Executive Director. “My dad brought me up backpacking. “My passion has always been the environment. You can’t do much better than protecting remarkable natural areas forever, so I couldn’t be happier than to have the privilege of helping where I grew up.” As a real estate attorney, John represented The Nature Conservancy in acquiring 14 open-space properties and the Trust for Public Land in acquiring three. John is a lifelong Pasadena resident.

Speaker’s Biography:
Amanda J. Zellmer is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Occidental College. Her research is focused on the application of computational methods for studying the impacts of environmental change on wild animal populations. She developed a lifelong passion for nature as a kid exploring the midwest. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin and her PhD from the University of Michigan. Prior to moving to California, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Louisiana State University. In addition to the outdoors, she enjoys traveling and soccer. She has an unusual fondness for salamanders.

The mission of the Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy is to conserve, protect and steward natural open space to combat climate change and support the wildlife habitats.  Professor Amanda Zellmer will be presenting her research in collaboration with the Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy on assessing landscape connectivity for Southern California terrestrial mammals. Using both motion-triggered camera traps and the power of community science, she is leading a team of researchers in an effort to observe how animals such as mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, and more use and move between green spaces in the greater Los Angeles area. This research will help inform planning for habitat conservation and restoration of wildlife corridors in Los Angeles and will also be used in a multi-city study across North America to study the effects of urbanization on wildlife.

July 23, 2020 - Brenda Cressy, Rotary Foundation Trustee

Brenda’s talk begins at 32 minutes into the meeting.

Brenda Cressy Biography

Brenda Cressy joined Rotary in 1989 and is currently a proud member of the Rotary Club of Paso Robles, CA. USA in District 5240 and served as District Governor in 2001-02. She is retired as the CEO of Office Support Systems, a telecommunications business.

Brenda served in several key roles for Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation over the years including serving as the first woman Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair in 2018-19 and will continue her four-year trustee term through 2021.

Most of Brenda’s assignments have focused on successful Fund Development for The Rotary Foundation, specifically in the areas of Peace and Polio Eradication her passion and mission in Rotary.

However, she shares the importance of supporting the Annual Fund, Endowments and Major Gifts. She has witnessed several successful projects made possible by Rotary Clubs and Districts and enjoys seeing the full engagement of passionate Rotarians successfully implementing projects in each of the six Areas of Focus. Most recently she is inspired by the amazing projects currently being carried out around the globe addressing community needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having participated in several Rotary humanitarian projects around the world, she is a proud Rotary Foundation Alumnus. Brenda has seen and experienced, first-hand, how our gifts to the Rotary Foundation greatly impact the lives of others and how these gifts will someday bring peace and understanding around the world.

She and her husband Dick are members of the prestigious Arch Klumph Society, Major Donors, members of the Paul Harris and the new Legacy Societies and have established the Brenda and Richard Cressey Endowment for Peace, supporting Peace Certificate Fellowships.

She is the recipient of the RI “Service Above Self Award” and The Rotary Foundation’s “Citation for Meritorious Service,” and the Rotary Foundations highest recognition, The Distinguished Service Award.

Brenda currently resides in Wells, ME., USA with her husband Richard, who is retired from a long career as a Vice President in manufacturing. They both enjoy spending good times with their three grandchildren and family.”

July 16, 2020 - Speaker: Rotary Peace Fellow, Florence Maher

Florence’s presentation begins 5 minutes into the meeting video.

Speaker: Rotary Peace Fellow, Florence Maher

“Nearly two years ago, I arrived in Japan to begin a Master’s degree in Peace Studies as a Rotary Peace Fellow. Promoting peace is one of Rotary’s six focus areas as part of building international relationships, improving lives, and creating a better world. The Rotary Peace Fellowship supports this goal by training peacebuilders at seven Rotary Peace Centers on five continents. The center in Tokyo welcomed its first class of Fellows in 2002, and in August 2018 I joined nine other professionals as part of the center’s 17th cohort. The thousands of Peace Fellowship alumni now working worldwide to prevent and resolve conflict and build sustainable solutions form an incredible network and embody Rotary’s on-going commitment to peace.

My experience as a Peace Fellow consisted of three pillars: academics, professional development, and community engagement. The core of the program is devoted to graduate studies, and during the first year I focused on my coursework in peace and international development. During the spring, the Fellows at ICU visited Hiroshima and we met with Japanese peace activists, including a survivor of the atomic bomb. I then traveled to Mexico to conduct interviews for my thesis on business and human rights, the writing of which consumed much of my time and attention during the second year of the program. The ICU Rotary Peace Center has a strong academic focus, and every Fellow must draft and defend a substantive thesis. Fortunately, I am happy to report that I successfully passed my thesis defense!

In addition to the academic curriculum, professional development is an important component of the Fellowship program. Each Peace Fellow is required to spend several months in an “Applied Field Experience” of their design, with the goal of moving the skill-building out of the classroom and into direct practice. During the summer between my first and second years, I interned at the OECD in Paris, France, where I supported international cooperation on the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Based on my summer experience, I am planning to work in an international organization after finishing the Fellowship.

Engagement with the local community, including the Japanese Rotarians, has been a significant and meaningful aspect of the program. Upon arrival in Tokyo, I was met at the airport by my Japanese Rotarian host counselor, Joji “George” Kitami of the Yokohama Konan Rotary Club. His club and district welcomed me and invited me to many events. In the university neighborhood, I volunteer monthly with an English conversation club for Japanese from the surrounding community to practice English and interact with international students. I also sang in a local choir, and organized a bilingual peace workshop with a municipal civil society organization, “Glocal Mitaka.”

My Peace Fellowship has enriched me immeasurably: I immersed myself in peace research, acquired new professional experiences, and developed wonderful relationships with the other Peace Fellows and the Japanese host community. I hope that the Fellowship continues to flourish and to cultivate peacebuilders with local roots and global visions. Thank you, District 5300 and the Las Vegas Rotary Club, for your generous support!”

Florence Maher

July 7, 2020 - First Meeting of the Rotary Year, 2020-21

The meeting begins at 11 minutes into the video.

June 18, 2020 - Speaker: Dr. Michael Lin, Principal at Carver Elementary in San Marino

Dr. Michael Lin, Principal at Carver Elementary in San Marino shared his dissertation with the club regarding early childhood education and different technologies used. Dr. Lin has a wonderful passion for education and has been doing an outstanding job steering the ship at Carver.

Before we heard from Dr. Lin, we viewed a San Marino Motor Classic film strip.  There we also got updates from our committee chairs, along with community updates.

Dr. Lin’s presentation begins at 22 minutes into the video.


June 25, 2020 - Demotion of President, Greg Johnasing

Changing of Guards (Demotion and Promotion) Ceremony!
Greg Johansing is Demoted and Aaron Gil is Promoted

June 4, 2020 -16th Annual Salute to the Service Academy Appointees

This is the biggest program of this Rotary year. Major Janell Hanf, Naval Academy class of 2010 was our keynote speaker. She brought inspiration, good humor and patriotism to our Rotary Club as we honor these five academy appointees.


Greg Johansing, President
US Naval Academy and Marine Hymns
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Introduction of Visiting Rotarians and Guests (other than appointees and families)
General Announcements
Introduction of Appointees and Their Families
Aaron Gil, Program Co-Chair
U.S. Air Force Academy:
Max Fan***, Steven Torres*
U.S. Military Academy:
Naphtali Teran*, Kurtis Tsai*
U.S. Naval Academy:
Timothy Chiu*, Blair Walters
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
U.S. Coast Guard Academy:
Joyce Lee***
Presentation: Congresswoman Judy Chu
Keynote Speaker
Major Janell Hanf, US Naval Academy, Class of 2010
Introduction by William Payne, Program Co-Chair
*Appointees of Congresswoman Judy Chu, 27th Congressional District
*** Appointees of Congressman Adam Schiff, 28th Congressional District

June 11, 2020 - Speakers: Nora Hoyos and Iris Yang Present Craft Talks
Member craft talks by Nora Hoyos and Iris Yang.

May 28, 2020 - Speakers: Trudie Sobel, a Holocaust Survivor and Jody Savin, Author.

Before World War II even began, Trudie’s father fell victim to Stalin’s Campaigns of Terror. When Trudie was 4, she and her mother were taken from their home by the Nazis and herded over 600 miles, first to the Lodz Ghetto and then to a labor camp. An incomparable seamstress, Trudie’s mother Masha was put to work wherever they landed. Sewing saved their lives. Sewing bought them enough precious time to see Liberation. However, this was not the end of their persecution as they bounced from Displacement Camp to homes for the Displaced. Years passed. Masha continued to sew to make ends meet, and they never abandoned their dream of coming to America.

When they finally arrived in America, Trudie married and had two sons. Life was busy and neither she nor her survivor husband ever spoke of the past. In her fifties, with her sons grown and out of the house, the traumas of her childhood came surging back and she suffered a complete breakdown. Because Trudie had stopped talking, a therapist suggested she attempt to express herself by drawing. So she began to draw and soon she began to stitch her drawings. And the body of work that she produced is stunning.

Jody Savin. Jody authored a book (see link below) titled “Stitched & Sewn – The Life-Saving Art of Holocaust Survivor Trudie Strobel”. This will be a fantastic program.

See more about Trudie on her website at

Trudie’s talk begins at 13 minutes with an introduction by Bill Payne.

May 14, 2020 - Speaker: Dr. Sylvia Whitlock, PDG

In 1978, the Rotary Club of Duarte violated the constitution of Rotary International by admitting women as members. As a result of this bold action, the club’s membership in Rotary International was terminated. From 1983-86, the Duarte Club fought the ruling all the way to the Supreme Court where they prevailed. On 4 May, 1987 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Rotary clubs may not exclude women from membership on the basis of gender. Later that year, Sylvia Whitlock became the first female club president in Rotary history.

Sylvia’s talk begins at 6 minutes with an introduction by Steve Garrett.

May 21, 2010 - Speaker: Jim Folsom, Director of the Botanical Gardens at The Huntington

Tour of The Huntington Botanical Gardens by San Marino Rotarian Jim Folsom, Director of the Botanical Gardens of The Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens.

Jim’s presentation starts at 5 minutes into the video.

May 7, 2020 - Speaker: Chiyoma Ogawa presents "6 Weddings and a Dress"

We had a wonderful presentation brought to us by PDG Steve Garrett and Linda Wah.  Chiyomi Ogawa shared a unique love story that inspired the short film “6 Weddings and a Dress” by Steve & Patti Nagano. This true story is about Chiyomi Ogawa, the original bride of the film and how she found love during her incarceration in Manzanar, during World War II. The film features her life before, during and after the war ended.

Chiyomi was born in Terminal Island, Long Beach in 1924. She went to Japan when she was about 7 years old and stayed until she graduated high school. She was able to catch the last boat back to the states, before the war started. Her return to Terminal Island was cut short with the start of World War II. She and her family were incarcerated in Manznar. There was a total of 6 women that wore her wedding dress. Chiyomi was the first and also, the only survivor. Donna Jean Ogawa, Chiyomi’s daughter will be with her, along with the wedding dress that graced the lives of all 6 women.

Video referenced in Chiyomi’s presentation


April 30, 2020 - Speaker: Andy Barth (no video)

Andy spoke about his efforts to keep wrestling in the 2013 Olympic Games. His speech is titled “11-10, 11-10”

This meeting was not recorded.


April 23, 2010 - Speaker: Chris Norgaard

Our very own Chris Norgaard talks about the second edition of his book “Unfair Competition – Murder by Gunshot”. This book dives into the deadly battle for control of the worldwide Neutrogena trademark.

Chris’ talk begins at 25 minutes into the video.

April 9, 2020 - Craft Talks by Stephanie Johnson and Bryan Hathorn

Stephanie Johnson and Bryan Hathorn wowed from the safety of their own homes with their own past, present and future that make them so valuable to our club.

The talks begin at 12 minutes into the video.

April 2, 2020 - General Club Meeting

This was our first online meeting.  The purpose of this meeting was to update members on the latest news surrounding our club, district and community.  There was no speaker.

April 16, 2020 - Speaker: Mitch Lehman, Editor, San Marino Tribune

Mitch shared his thoughts, charm and humor with our club.

Mitch’s presentation starts at 24 minutes into the video.

Meeting Information

Thursdays at 12:10 PM
San Marino Community Church, Fellowship Hall
1750 Virginia Road
San Marino, CA
Map It

We meet on the first 3 Thursdays of the month at the Community Church.  Our meeting location occasionally changes.  Click “More info” in the Upcoming Events section below to confirm the location.

Guest lunches are $20.00

On the last Thursday of the month we meet at a venue to be announced – in the evening from 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Upcoming Events

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Neil Mottinger - JPL Navigation Engineer
Topic: Mars Helicopter Results
February 20th 2025 12:15 pm
More info

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Topic: DARK - Reception for Valeria & Sam Baldwin
February 27th 2025 5:30 pm
More info

Growing Club Membership
March 3rd 2025 6:15 pm
More info

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Contestants
Topic: Dan Stover Music Competition
March 6th 2025 12:15 pm
More info

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Sue & Al Boegh / Mark Liang
Topic: Foundation Luncheon
March 13th 2025 11:30 am
More info

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Danny Feldman
Topic: Pasadena Playhouse
March 20th 2025 12:15 pm
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San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Delegates
Topic: RYLA Presentations
March 27th 2025 12:15 pm
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San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Recipients
Topic: Barth Scholarship / Fire Safety, Chief Mario Rueta
April 3rd 2025 12:15 pm
More info

Growing Club Membership
April 3rd 2025 6:15 pm
More info

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Alan White, R. Brunette
Topic: Craft Talks - New members
April 10th 2025 12:00 pm
More info

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Contestants
Topic: Business Plan Contest
April 17th 2025 12:00 pm
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San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Topic: Thursday About Town
April 24th 2025 5:00 pm
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San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Recipients
Topic: Teacher Mini Grants
May 1st 2025 12:00 pm
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Growing Club Membership
May 3rd 2025 6:15 pm
More info

San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Recipients
Topic: Community Grants
May 8th 2025 12:00 pm
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San Marino Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: President - Dr. Thomas Strikuis,
Topic: Occidental College
May 15th 2025 12:00 pm
More info
